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soaring above all of you...

Picture Perfect World

society has issues bout perfection... you gotta be this, or that, you mustn't smoke, but you do, you shouldn't drink, but it can't be helped, you need to fit into these clothes to be noticed, but you can't even put your leg through the opening... gee..

anyway, people like to see what they're taught or used to seeing.. like high marks, tall buildings, tall and slender people, ravishing faces, delightful meals, runway clothes and the like all markings of stature. i just dont know how you'd possibly be able to fulfill all your desires.. if life really is bout all the crap, well life is shit :)

there really isnt any point to living life then. i cant possibly attain any of them. grrr.. anyways, i just need to channel frustrations into productive work.

12/28/2007 12:07:00 PM


2nd term result.... [psychokiller themesong] lol

yesterday was fun. i met up with the jerbaks group, Hot..Not, Jolog-Biatch, and Stupid plus featuring Aporn and Akorn also Peggy. Lols

but it wasn't all fun cause the course card results weren't flattering... quite bad for many i must say.. :( anyway, i really hate my damn engcal1 mark, just got a measly 2.5 like wtf.. well our teacher first of all doesn't teach, and yet comes to class expecting that we are knowledgeable about the subject matter... but good things is that i've long expected and accepted that grade.

but chemtwo was shit as well, cause our teacher promised that if we get an 80 or higher score on the finals, she would replace our lowest mark among the four quizzes with the same score as the finals, so i was quite expecting a high grade... but i didn't really get that good of a mark..

so onto today's sched. this morning woke up early so i'd drive my sis to school along with my mom cause she's got some business matters at makati and pasig. then went to dlsu and reached there at 0800 and then the lady told us that enrollment actually starts at 0830 so yeah i had to wait for 30 mins and my mom ate at mcdonald's while waiting.. then left mcdonald's at round 0850 and headed to makati, where we still had to look for the building. lol
before finally heading to pasig, it was quite tiresome driving around town for nearly 2 and a half hours, then on the way home along c5 was really congested, so i ended up driving for another hour and felt really sleepy...

zzzz.... hehe

good thing i didn't follow my friend xiao who fell asleep along edsa and slammed the truck in front of him. then when we got near our place, we ate at cajun. something that i really needed cause otherwise i might have fallen asleep ;)

12/19/2007 08:52:00 AM


new camera :)

so fun, i've been eyeing on a new camera for like months... well, anyways it came to me this morning ahahha... bought a new Nikon D40X.

it takes nice pictures, produces vibrant images, and keeps crisp edges. better yet, it is very user friendly.. ;)

here's a pic of our christmas tree at our living room that i just took lols

12/17/2007 05:25:00 PM



Like what I said I barely do have time to blog...else do anything...

Gee its hell week again, this time worse than the first hell week. Now I got my major ENGCAL dipping below 3.0, Ill be happy with 2.5 or 3.0 gee but most likely ill be getting a 2.5 only. :(

But after this hellweek is done... I know itll be fun for me... planning of getting a digicam.. :( camwhores can never be complete without one ;) Also lots of plans lined up for January.

This blog post was just squeezed into my sched.. Now got to review a bit more... hayyy. tiresome, plus we still got a paper defense tomorrow 1 to 3 pm, then got to meet Shirin at St. Luke's Hospital for coffee with my mom...

Anyways, wishlist hmmm includes philosophy/topman/people are people shirt, lol ;)


Good luck to everyone bout to take their finals during the week, especially those with ugly test scheds, lucky ours is from monday to wednesday only.

Also today was great finally got to meet up with my old high school buddies again :) It was our hs reunion this lunch time...

12/09/2007 05:04:00 PM