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soaring above all of you...

keeping things private :D

lemme start things off first with a recent list of to dos and tasks accomplished:
4 out of 5 lab reports sorted, 4 more quizzes to go, a presentation to prepare, a program to write and compile, 4 final exams to go and i'll be off to puerto!!!

in any case, on with my reason for typing again today.
i know everyone was born with a mouth, but everyone was born too with a brain to control all other organs, and to decide about things. well as a little background, i ran a little experiment just a few hours ago, and to my surprise what J said was true. and so I got a nifty solution up and running, and made a compromise with a little bird not to tell a soul.

but apparently due to possible conflicts happening at the nest, the bird needs to make a good impression of being totally transparent, which i hope is the case now; thus, resorted to spilling my home-cooked beans to appease the nest inhabitant. but i just did remember that the little bird promised to not tell a soul about how the beans tasted nor looked, and i assumed respect for that; moreover, the bird's concern for the nest dweller was overwhelming that i was tasked upon checkin on the nest dweller which i complied to without any thought of evil or malice, and also heeded by the condition that the nest dweller or its company not know about this as being the bird's request. yet, the sole responsibility of keeping things sealed couldn't have been met, which possibly explains why its things are no longer intact XD

kudos! in any case, i feel no anger for this, as yes the beans were grown on my backyard, but i do make it appoint that i check my utensils before sharing them to birds from now on ^_^

good luck to the many problems i see coming!

12/08/2009 01:47:00 PM


Desperate Times?

its obviously been such a long time since i've touched these dust-settled keys, nor since my eyes've have had the chance to glimpse at this long forgotten blog, but nonetheless, i am writing once more. the reasons behind this are numerous, but would you need to know which exactly is it? i doubt.

well lemme start off by saying that my best friend has come back and is staying for a month after which we'd go to hong kong for a few days, before we finally part ways for a good four years give or take. and moving on to more recent news, yes, i have officially been accepted into the ERDT program; however i am afraid that after this term, i wouldnt even be needing it as me and mutia might be kicked off the bsms program. well, this is the reason why friday would be my last party day before the finals. we both got to work our asses off.

and as for today, i had quite a good exam, hopefully able to bring my grade for the subject up to a 3.0, and yes i missed gym day, for i wanted to rest as my head and stomach ached, but i accidentally fell asleep for over three hours and by the time i awoke, it was night... lol. i am currently a part time nurse, checkin up on my sister every now and then as yes she is sick.. but i do know for a fact that it aint dengue again thank god. and as for me, yes ive been steadily getting fatter, and i did hope to get thinner slightly, but i did not ask for such stomach trouble geez..

and one thing worth mentioning here is that i am already able to use my starbucks '10 planner as there are actually spaces for december of '09, which is something i failed to notice until yesterday! can anyone help me and xiao decide which phone would be best? either the htc hero, htc magic, n97 mini, palm pre, or give us a choice close to those listed... thanks

well thats it for now,
carlo, B, tigger signin off

12/04/2009 12:21:00 AM


Balentayns DAY?!

well ever since i could remember, i never ever did look forward to any valentine's day.. well same goes anyway, who cares if its february 14 for all i care, the only thing that does happen that day is prices of flowers skyrocketting haha.

so today was well, after engcal2 and fildlar, we had our lab and i gave this bar of chocolates to gen, and im glad she was really happy :) then we finished our experiment in an hour and a half and went to mcdonald's. but all tables were occupied so we moved to um walked around and thought of going up to verde or crepaholics but we ended up in kfc, where we've eaten for the past 3 thursdays.

last week i decided to sign up for today's blood donation, but i tried to do it yesterday. so the line was quite long yesterday round 15 minutes before my turn to get my blood typed and tested. and when she got a sample, the hemocue tester gave an 18.2 reading which was like .2 above the cutoff limit of 18. that got me irritated like ive been in abstinence for the whole morning, i passed agno and nothing even got to me, and all that was wasted lol. so she just told me to go back today and drink lots of fluids.

so after coming from mall of asia, i decided to give it another try. and this time it was kewl. as soon as i got in front of the lady, and learned that my hemoglobin level for that day was 16.7 and that i'm eligible i was like praise the roof and shit. well as soon as i got to lay on the folding hammock, i was set and ready to go. i just looked at the needle as it prick my skin, it was only slightly bigger than the usual i think or the same, and the pinch is merely a bit more painful. and after like what was 3 minutes the 450 cc bag was full and i was quite disappointed cause i felt that my waiting in line was not worth the wait.

hahaha, so good thing after that i got a chiffon slice, juice, and a donor's wristband! its quite cool actually :) next i went to the globe booth at the central plaza and got meself another animo sim cause the first one, the one im currently using, i just asked my friend to pass it to me. then took a picture together with mariel, inah and dean also at the globe booth. daphne was supposed to be part of it, but she was quite the killjoy of a lamb at the moment, while inah was the globe endorser of the day hahaha :)

2/14/2008 05:51:00 PM


7seven things... tagged by tan

seven things that scare you...
1. failure
2. rejection
3. demons
4. becoming senile
5. being stupendous
6. going loony
7. living in shame

seven things you like most...
1. family
2. social life..(just a group of "friends" not too many mere acquaintances)
3. health?
4. cameras...
5. food
6. stress release through sm..e
7. talking to someone sensible with the brains for crying out loud

seven most important things in your room
1. computer
2. cellular phone
3. camera
4. refrigerator
5. airconditioning unit
6. clothes and perfumes
7. bed

seven random facts about you
1. im quite a perfectionist
2. i hate nonsense, well i like humor just as long as when we get to serious matters you do got the brains
3. i love eating onions, garlic, and uhmm... lotsa chili!
4. ive eaten pigs blood once only so far
5. im thrifty
6. i love most shows on cbs and fox
7. i hate books

seven things you plan to do before you die
1. get rich
2. get married
3. learn to cook
4. go clubbing everyday for a month
5. witness an actual death of a person
6. get possessed maybe
7. and lastly to just rest well before i die

seven things you can do
1. take photographs
2. blog
3. edit photographs
4. choose clothes
5. eat
6. bitch around
7. trashtalk hahaha

seven things you cant do
1. fly
2. swim
3. play basketball
4. teleport
5. swallow a chicken leg
6. eat more than 5 full plates of food
7. afford to fail

seven things that attract you to the opposite sex
1. skin
2. smile
3. nose
4. the damn face already
5. clothing
6. personality
7. sense of priority

seven things you say the most...
1. jesus christ
2. oh my god
3. shit
4. fuck
5. yeah
6. whatever
7. like i care

seven celeb crushes
1. katherine heigl
2. katharine mcphee
3. eva longoria
4. victoria beckham
5. jennifer love hewitt
6. alessandra ambrosio
7. gisele bundchen

plus let me add in something.. hehe

this is one of the buildings that i always come across walking from doroteo jose station lrt1 on the way to my old high school.. just caught my attention thats it

and another thing i saw today while walking was this cute little creature lying on the ground.. gee soo cute... it seems like it really knows how to pose for the camera.. see that tail its wagging :s


and to just end everything nicely a puppy i saw too at a pet shop at masangkay st.
hahaha aren't they adorable.. :) ΓΌ

2/05/2008 05:41:00 PM